Patient Housing Resources


Health Professionals Can Help Patients with Housing Needs. Here’s How.

Access to stable, affordable and well-maintained housing is recognized as one of the most influential contributors to good health. Couple this fact with a healthcare system that is shifting towards value-based payments, many healthcare providers strive to address patients’ needs relating to social factors—such as housing—that influence health.

NYAM’s new report “What Housing Resources Exist for My Patients? A Guide for NYC Healthcare Providers” equips health professionals with an easy-to-use guide to help address their patients’ housing-related issues. Whether patients are struggling with a lack of housing affordability, stability or quality, this guide walks health professionals through the steps required to approach the problem and provides detail on resources in NYC that can help.


Please share this report with your colleagues and co-workers to maximize the impact that health professionals can have on improving health through housing.


Want to know more about how housing affects health? Watch our DASH-NYC short video “Health Happens Outside the Doctor’s Office – Housing & Health,” an initiative of the New York City Population Health Improvement Program.

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